Monday, August 25, 2008

Another coat?! Save me dolly

Many inventions/discoveries have effected us all. Of course the internet and it's cornucopia of porn sites. But the invention of craigslist is great. The world's largest garage sale. No more traveling to questionable neighborhoods. People's crap comes to you right on your own computer. My most recent find on craiglist is a set of wheel dollies. $60 bucks and I have a good set of 4 dollies. Steal. Now I can move around my firebird and make more room in the garage at will. Assuming of coaurse I move all the spare parts off the floor and out of the way. But tonight I moved it all by my self and faced it towards the garage door without crunching the wall. So this week I can start sanding off the por 15 coating on the firewall and give it a coat of primer and SEM trim black to match the top of the dash. I wanted it closer to the opening of the garage so the dust won't completely settle all over my tools in the garage. I also picked up a good random orbital sander to get the job done as well.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The flat black for the top of the dash works alright, but the front instrument panels needs a little gloss. Rustoleum Black Satin (7777) worked great. Hit the front with a couple of coats. But plane on adding one more coat tomorrow. also got around to sand/prep/painting the glove box door and matching it with the same black. The back of the door still has the original sticker so I masked it and will not pull it off. I will work around it, it's been there for 40 years and will be there for another 40. I had ordered some new dash knob bezels and cleaned the knobs up some. I took a good scrub to all the faux woodgrain bezel covers for the center dash, ash tray and radio cover. All look good. once I hit the dash with a final clear coat I will start installing some of the instuments.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Dash Painted

So after a good wipe down with a degreaser I got to work on the paint. Masking is essential and time consuming. And you always find a little sliver of paint where you are convinced that you put tape over. Got two coats on it and killed every bug in the garage by evacuating the area of breathable air. Ventilation was good in the garage but the smell of drying paint still is nausiating. The finish is more of a flat black and I am considering making the forward portion more of a semi gloss. I don't want the top to be glossy though because of sun glare.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Got a little work done today. Began prepping the dash for paint. Going to use SEM Black Trim on a suggestion form Yellowbird. Hope it turns out okay tomorrow.